In the radically individualistic culture in which we live, we tend to forget that we need each other in order to most effectively take the gospel to the world. Going at the Great Commission alone, either as individual Christ-followers and/or individual churches, will not reach the world, nor is it what God intends. We need to partner together. If the greatest missionary ever, the apostle Paul, needed partners how much more do we!
The Missions Mobilization department of the Mississippi Baptist State Convention, under the direction and leadership of Ken Rhodes, is doing an outstanding job of helping Mississippi Baptist churches partner with churches, associations, and missionaries around the world in taking the glorious good news to the lost. The goal is for churches from our state to partner with at least one work internationally and one nationally.
With Ken's and his staff's help, the youth ministry of First Baptist Petal, led by our Student Pastor Rocky Pugh, has adopted an unreached people group in Southeast Asia and has entered into a partnership with those who are on the field trying to reach them. In April I hope to travel to a meeting of the Frontier Baptist Association in western New York state to investigate partnership possibilities in that part of the U.S.
I strongly encourage you to get involved in missions partnerships. Contact Ken for more information. Also, we invite you and your church, association, and/or group to network with First Baptist Petal in the areas of work we are currently pursuing. Please don't hesitate to contact us about this most important of all endeavors -- taking to the world the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
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