Monday, February 23, 2009

The Next Step

In this life we will never reach maximum spiritual maturity. We will never reach 100% Christ-likeness. But that is our goal. That means that a key aspect of the Christian life is growth -- growing in Christ-likeness; becoming more and more like Jesus in how we think and in how we act.

Growth involves a series of next steps. In order to grow, through the power of the Holy Spirit we must take the next step. Then we take the next step and the next and on and on. So growth continues. So here is a question we need to ask often: What next step(s) do I need to take?

In my prayer life, what is the next step to grow deeper and closer to the Lord in prayer? In Bible study, what is the next step to gain more knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures? In service, what is the next step to serving more selflessly and more effectively? In witnessing, what is the next step to more consistently sharing the gospel with those who are missing Jesus? In worship, what is the next step to more thoroughly demonstrating praise and thanksgiving to God? In loving others, what is the next step to more purely expressing God's grace and mercy?

In every area of the Christian life, what is the next step I need to take? With God's help and the encouragement of one another, let's determine to take that step!


  1. Jay, you are doing a great job with your blog. I appreciate this post and the posts related to the marks of a healthy church. May God bless you. Philip Price

  2. Philip, thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure I don't know what I'm doing, but I was just wondering yesterday if anyone was reading and if it was doing any good. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  3. I know for me it's often too easy to sit and relax on the step I'm on. I often (as in most of the time) need to pray for the willingness to take the next step. To want to improve. The step I, we, are on tends to be way too comfortable. Comfort is not what Christianity is about. I agree wholeheartedly with you, following Christ is about taking the next step is every aspect of our walk with God. Thanks Bro. Jay for your encouraging word.
