Sunday, February 15, 2009

God Breaks In to Save

God does what only He can do, when and how He chooses to do it. Many of us were reminded of this awesome reality Sunday morning during our 9 AM worship service. As I was about to begin the third point of my three point sermon I noticed out of the corner of my eye someone coming toward me. As I looked I saw a young man almost to the platform. My voice had been a little scratchy, so the only thing I could think of was that he must be bringing me a cough drop or something of the sort. I wasn't sure what to do so I said something like, "Buddy, what do you need?" What he said let me know immediately this was a holy moment. He said, "I need to ask Jesus into my heart." I guess the Spirit let me know immediately that this was genuine conviction and we just needed to stop the service and welcome this young man into the Kingdom. I invited him up on the platform and he prayed to ask Christ to forgive his sin, save his soul, and be his Lord. The congregation erupted in applause as he returned to his seat.

It was one of the most unusual things that has ever happened in the middle of one of my sermons, but also probably the most awesome moment I have been a part of during one of my sermons. We somehow went on to finish the sermon, but the message had already been preached, and I certainly wasn't the one who preached it.

It was just amazing to experience God breaking into the normal routine to do the supernatural. God spoke to this young man, calling him from spiritual death to eternal life. He simply responded to that call in repentance and faith. God allowed us to be a witness to it.

Father, thank you for reminding us so vividly of Your presence. Thank you for a new soul in the Kingdom. Thank you for breaking into our routine. Please break in as often as You would like. We thank you for doing what only You can do. In Jesus' saving name, amen.

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