We have a date for our first First Sunday Lunch. On Sunday, May 3, our plans are to have lunch immediately following the 10:30 AM worship service. We want you to stay and eat with us. The meal won't be elaborate, but it will be better than cooking and cleaning up. There will be a cost involved and our lunch service team is in the process of figuring out all those kinds of details. We also need you to make a reservation so we will make sure everyone has food. There are several ways to reserve your spot(s). You can use a Communication Card from your Sunday bulletin and drop it in the offering basket at the close of the worship service. You can call the church office at 601.545.3198. You can email us at petalfbc@megagate.com. You can register online at our website www.petalfbc.com. There is a link on the home page. The deadline for reservations is noon on Wednesday, April 29.
Please join us for a good time of visiting with old friends and making new friends. I look forward to us doing lunch on May 3.
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