I want to update you on what is going on with our partnership with the Frontier Baptist Association in western New York state. (Sorry it has been so long since my last post.) In mid-April, two others from Mississippi and I enjoyed a great trip to the Buffalo area. We met some wonderful people including Mike Flannery and his wife Beverly. They were awesome hosts. Mike is the missions director for Frontier Association. The pastors and the people in the churches there obviously love Jesus, but the work is hard and the laborers are few. They are sowing the seed of the gospel on some hard soil. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in western New York. Pray that they will be encouraged and that God will continue to use them in mighty ways.
This past week I had the privilege to meet with Mike and Bev at the Baptist Building in Jackson. (They were in Jackson for Mike's re-appointment as a North American Mission Board missionary. Accompanying them on the trip was Bill Smith, a pastor from the Buffalo area.) During our meeting I felt led to commit Petal FBC to help in any way God leads with new church plants in their area of New York state. We're not sure what kind of help we may be able to provide or when, but we want to be available, again as God leads and provides.
I am extremely excited about how God may use us in this area of the world. I ask that you be in prayer as to how the Lord may involve you in this endeavor. Jesus said, "...you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8 ESV). May we be faithful witnesses in Petal, in Mississippi, in Dallas, Texas, in upstate New York, in Southeast Asia, and everywhere in between.